Caroline Waite - Louisville, Kentucky - Altered Cigar Box with the lid made into a stage upon it is a plastic ballerina figurine surrounded by doll arms, in the background three swans above them a line of doll eyeballs (stage lights) that open and close. Attached to the top of the stage is an ornate facade the the whole stage lined with gold colored filigree.
wood box, pencil/charcoal sketches done by the artist, piece of distressed wood found on a bench, cancles, turquoise beads, garnet beads, fresh water pearl beads, abalone bead, guage cover, burnt out vacuum tube, vine, three viles, nails, black lentils, bailing wire, handmade paper. Fluxhibition #3
Guess Clint Chadsey - Melrose, Mass. wooden box with vintage photograph and various found objects including keyboard keys spelling the word: Guess sent for Fluxhibition #3 - Thinking Inside of the Box
Cage Box – Homage to John CageDilar Pereira- Lisbon, Portugal Small black card box with a mirror and a black card inscribed: “This Box Contains 4’33” of Silence.”
White Texture - 2007 (from the White on White exhibition) Litsa Spathi - Fluxus Heidelberg,Germany 9x7-1.5 inches - box with acrylic paint, wires Fluxhibition #3